Listan v.7-8
Veckans album v. 7: The Hellacopters – Overdrivev. 8: The Night Flight Orchestra – Give us the moon
Listan v.5-6
Veckans album v. 5: Mary Ann Hawkins – Helsinki Surf Cityv. 6: Jonathan Hultén – Eyes of the living Night
Listan v.3-4
Veckans album v. 3: Lambrini Girls – Who let the dogs outv. 4: The Halo Effect – March of the Unheard
Listan v.50-51
Veckans album v. 50: Fordom – Moþirv. 51: Örnatorpet – Fordomsdags
Listan v.48-49
Veckans album v. 48: Father John Misty – Mahashmashanav. 49: Amyl and the Sniffers – Cartoon Darkness
Listan v.46-47
Veckans album v. 46: Kim Deal – Nobody loves you morev. 47: The Body – The Crying out of things